Lyn Lyn’s beloved Nai Nai has a birthday party approaching! All Lyn Lyn wants to do is make a lucky hat for her very special grandma, but her crochet skills are not nearly as refined as Nai Nai’s. So Lyn Lyn hatches a plan for the best crocheter she knows to help her make the perfect lucky hat for Nai Nai! Through perseverance and their special bond, Lyn Lyn comes to realize that the perfect gift for Nai Nai comes from within.
Events listed are subject to change according to local health officer recommendations pertaining to COVID-19. If you have questions, please check with the event organizer.
Information on our events calendar is provided as a free service for the public, and events being displayed are not endorsed by Playhouse Village Association, unless otherwise noted. We strive to ensure that the information is as complete and accurate as possible; however, due to circumstances beyond our control, event information may, on occasion, change or be omitted. If in doubt, check with the organizer of an event to confirm its information.