Celebrate Children’s Book Week with Vroman’s–May 6th-12th!
Children’s Book Week is a national week-long event that celebrates books for young readers. 2024 is the 105th anniversary of this beloved program, and this year’s event slogan is No Rules. Just Read.
Join us for a special event on Wednesday, May 8th at 11am. We will have storytime led by Mr. Steve, plus crafts, coloring, and more! We will also be doing a costume parade through the store, so be sure to dress up as one of your favorite book characters and receive a gift from the Children’s Department!
If you are not able to attend on Wednesday, stop by the Children’s Info Desk at any point during the week for coloring sheets, art supplies, and other freebies. We will have additional prizes for children and teens who dress as their favorite book characters!
Events listed are subject to change according to local health officer recommendations pertaining to COVID-19. If you have questions, please check with the event organizer.
Information on our events calendar is provided as a free service for the public, and events being displayed are not endorsed by Playhouse Village Association, unless otherwise noted. We strive to ensure that the information is as complete and accurate as possible; however, due to circumstances beyond our control, event information may, on occasion, change or be omitted. If in doubt, check with the organizer of an event to confirm its information.