In the twilight of the 19th century, as the Old West collides with the opulence of the Gilded Age, one man embarks on a journey that will redefine his life. The Gambler’s Game is a captivating historical fiction saga that follows the extraordinary life of a mid-western baseball player turned high-stakes gambler. His audacious spirit leads him from the dust chocked plains to the refined ambiance of English garden parties and the allure of Belle Epoque Monte Carlo.
This romantic and fast-paced tale will transport you to a time when anything was possible, where dreams were chased, and risks were taken.
This is a story of self-discovery in a rapidly changing world. The Gambler’s Game lures readers into a realm where the echoes of gunshots meet the clinking of champagne glasses, and the magnificent network of railways and steamships takes the reader on grand adventures.
Bill ultimately finds himself torn between his love of gambling and a woman who might make him give it all up.
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Information on our events calendar is provided as a free service for the public, and events being displayed are not endorsed by Playhouse Village Association, unless otherwise noted. We strive to ensure that the information is as complete and accurate as possible; however, due to circumstances beyond our control, event information may, on occasion, change or be omitted. If in doubt, check with the organizer of an event to confirm its information.